Test early-stage usability & basic features of a prototype.
GBWebsite URL
Task 1
You are now looking at a very early prototype of a website, so not everything is working as it should in the final product. If you land in a section that isn't ready yet, please explain briefly what you would have expected to find there.
Imagine you are a freelancer, searching for an app that manages your work assignments. After doing some research you found the app "Freelancer platform".
Task 2
Click through the starter screens.
What do you think you would be able to do in this app? How does it work?
Task completed
Task 3
Look at the 'Feed' screen.
What different pieces of information do you see here? What do you think they mean?
Task completed
Task 4
You want to compare the revenue of this month with last month's. Where would you look for a page that shows you such a comparison?
Task completed
Task 5
Navigate to 'projects' and submit a deliverable.
What do you think happens when you click on the link 'Send your work'?
What questions are you asking yourself at the moment?
Task completed
Task 6
Take a look at the navigation on the bottom of the app. Without clicking, what do you suspect behind each menu item?
Task failed
Task 7
How would you rate your overall experience with this app?