Userbrain Wrapped 2022 – we achieved some great things together

Published December 27, 2022 by Andrea in Product Updates
⚡ Updated on January 13, 2023
Userbrain 2022 Wrapped

As another trip around the sun comes to an end, let’s take a moment to celebrate what we’ve achieved together this year.

So please grab a cup of mulled wine (go easy on the brandy), put your feet up, and let’s dive right in.

Wrapping up 2022 – Userbrain Wrapped

Can you hear that? No, it’s not your favorite song of 2022; it’s the sound of Userbrain shamelessly jumping on the bandwagon!

If you’re one of our users, you might have noticed an early Christmas present in your inbox this year. No, we didn’t randomly add the latest U2 album to your iTunes library. Of course, we’re talking about Userbrain Wrapped, a summary of your user testing achievements this year.

And if you’ve ever wondered how the Userbrain team tests Userbrain, here’s Userbrain’s very own Userbrain Wrapped summary. We watched over 90 hours of user tests from over 500 testers, but maybe you could beat us next year…

Userbrain Wrapped 2022 - How you tested in 2022

Reports went live

We heard you, and we delivered. Your feedback drives our improvements here at Userbrain, and this was one of the most-requested features of the year.

Reports will help you to discover the weak spots in your product and share your findings with stakeholders easily. With access to new quantitative metrics such as Time on Task and Task Completion Rate, you’ll be able to give the right people the right information at the right time.

Reports provide access to key qualitative metrics, while keeping all your notes in one place

A mighty milestone – 100k testers

Yes, you read that right. We now have over one hundred thousand testers on call to test your product. To provide some context here, that’s more than the capacity of the iconic Wembley Stadium, and it would take three and a half days just to shake hands with everyone.

It goes without saying, but none of our other achievements this year would have been possible without our fantastic testing community. We can’t wait to dive test-first into 2023 with you all.

Quote from Daniel, one of our testers.

We launched our iOS app

‘Appy days! On the subject of testers, let’s not forget that we launched the Userbrain Recorder iOS app this year. The launch has achieved two things. Firstly, users can create user tests specifically for mobile devices, and secondly, our testers can now work without immediate access to a computer. Keep your eyes peeled in 2023 because we’re not done on the app front just yet.

We launched the Userbrain iOS app this year

¡Userbrain en español!

That’s right; we now support user tests in three languages: English, German and Spanish.

If you want to set up a user test with Spanish-speaking testers, here’s how you do it. From your Dashboard, simply create a new test and select Spanish from the Language drop-down menu. And who knows, maybe we will add a 4th or 5th supported language in 2023 – watch this space.

Set up your next user test in Spanish

Servus, Austria!

We finally released user test support for the people living in our beautiful home country, Austria. It only took us seven years, but it feels great to be home. As our school teachers used to say, “better late than never.”

Userbrain launched in Austria

That’s a wrap

And there you have it, Userbrain’s 2022 in a nutshell. See? We told you we’d achieved a lot together this year!

Last but not least, thank you for a great year. We’re excited to see what 2023 has in store, and we can’t wait to hear all about your user testing success stories.

Next steps

Start your free trial today with two free user tests, and start testing in minutes.

Request a demo from one of our user testing specialists.

Contact Sales to get answers to any questions you have about Userbrain.

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