5 Affordable Ways to Improve User Experience on a Limited UX Budget

Published January 17, 2023 by Andrea in User Experience
⚡ Updated on April 15, 2023
5 ways to get started with UX on a a budget

Working with a limited UX budget can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to stop you from making meaningful user improvements. In this blog post, we share five affordable ways to achieve better UX and improve user experience without breaking the bank.

As seasoned UX professionals with 15 years of experience running our agency, we’ve advised clients at all levels of UX-pertise. So if you’re unsure where to start with UX, you have our permission to breathe a sigh of relief because you’re not alone. Let’s get on with it, shall we?

Achieving better UX on a limited budget

Before we dive into this list, it’s important not to get ahead of yourself. As any good sports coach will tell you, you need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your team before you start tinkering with it. In the context of your product or service, you need to understand the state of play before you start ‘improving’ things willy-nilly, especially when you have a limited budget for UX to play with.

That’s why we always recommend conducting some solid UX research to kick off your UX game. Why? Well, you will gain a deeper understanding of your users and discover hidden truths about your product, making it easier to pinpoint pain points and improve user experience. And the best way to measure the state of play is by user testing.

1. Start user testing

If you want incredible bang for your buck with UX research, your first port of call should be Userbrain. There’s no better way to improve your product’s user experience than by observing how real people interact with it. Period. And user testing doesn’t need to break the bank either. Actually, if you have a limited budget for UX, there isn’t a more profitable area to spend it on than user testing.

Userbrain was founded on three promises: easy, fast, and affordable. That’s why you can conduct your first two user tests with Userbrain for free without providing a payment method. In addition, you’ll get access to free user test templates, tips, and best practices to help get your first test set up in less than 5 minutes. 

And when you’re ready to take your product to the next level, you can start user testing regularly with our Starter plan for only $99 a month. It’s important to remember that user testing has an incredibly high return on investment on average. For example, one study reported that investing $1 in user testing can bring in up to $100 in revenue. So just think how much benefit a $99 investment in user testing could have for your product… Not bad for 5 minutes of easy work. Not bad at all. 

Userbrain Pricing 2023

Our Starter plan is the most affordable option to get started with user testing, at just $99 a month.

2. Simplify your design

As the old saying goes: keep it simple, stupid. One of the easiest ways to improve your UX on a limited budget is to keep your design simple and minimalistic. A clean and straightforward design helps in achieving better UX and improves user experience on your platform. A simple design not only saves on design costs but also enhances the usability of your website or app. By removing unnecessary elements and simplifying your layout, you can create a more user-friendly experience that is easy to navigate and understand.

3. Optimize your website’s load time

Slow load times can be a significant turn-off for users and negatively impact your UX. By investing in website optimization, you’ll be enhancing your UX within your budget constraints and delivering a smoother user experience. Optimizing images and code can improve your website’s load time and keep users engaged. You can do this by compressing images, minifying code, and using a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute your content. These simple optimizations can significantly improve your website’s load time and user engagement while boosting your rankings in search engine results.

4. Use clear and consistent navigation

Navigation is one of the most critical elements of a website or app, and it’s essential to make it easy for users to find what they’re looking for. By using clear and consistent navigation, you can improve the overall usability of your website or app. You can achieve this by using simple labels, grouping related items, and providing clear and compelling calls to action.

5. Test and iterate quickly

Finally, it’s essential to continuously test and iterate on your website or app to improve your UX. By A/B testing, you can compare different versions of your design and make data-driven decisions. Such tests can help you identify areas of improvement and make changes quickly based on user feedback.

Bonus Tips for Better UX on a Shoestring Budget

Alright, here’s the thing… We’ve shared our top 5 tips for improving user experience on a limited budget, but we have some extra goodies up our sleeves. These bonus suggestions can take your UX efforts even further and help you achieve outstanding results without breaking the bank.

Bonus Tip 1: Don’t Forget About Mobile Users

In the fast-paced digital world we live in, mobile users make up a substantial part of your audience. So it’s crucial to ensure your website or app is optimized for mobile devices. Focus on creating a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and consider touch targets and readability on smaller screens. By addressing the needs of mobile users, you’ll deliver a top-notch UX and potentially attract more customers to your product or service.

Bonus Tip 2: Take Advantage of Free or Low-Cost UX Tools

Believe it or not, there’s a treasure trove of free and affordable UX tools available that can help you improve your product or service without putting a dent in your budget. These nifty tools cover everything from prototyping and user testing to analytics and beyond. Some popular options include Figma, Hotjar, Google Analytics, and Optimal Workshop. By harnessing the power of these tools, you’ll be able to make data-driven decisions and optimize your UX, all without emptying your wallet.

With these bonus tips in hand, you’ll be well-equipped to make the most of your limited UX budget and create a truly exceptional user experience.

Top tips for UX on a budget

So there you have it, folks! Allocating a budget for UX can be a daunting task. By following our team of experienced UX professionals’ suggestions, you’ll be well on your way to making significant improvements to your UX without breaking the bank. 

Start by getting to know your users through research, then move on to user testing with the Userbrain Starter plan, simplifying your design, and optimizing your website’s load time. Don’t forget the importance of clear and consistent navigation; always look for opportunities to A/B test and iterate quickly. By following these tips, you’ll be able to improve the user experience of your product or service and ultimately drive success for your business. 

In conclusion, even with a limited UX budget, it’s possible to make impactful user improvements and achieve better UX. By following the strategies outlined in this blog post, you’ll be well on your way to delivering an improved user experience while staying within your budget.

Happy budgeting!

Limited UX budget? Get started for free

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