10 Best UX Podcasts of 2024: must-listen podcasts for designers

Published July 25, 2023 by Andrea in Uncategorized
⚡ Updated on January 30, 2024
Best UX podcasts announcement microphone

If you’re like us, you know that the UX design landscape can feel like a vast, ever-changing ocean – and we, the UX professionals, are the surfers! New ideas, techniques, and challenges rise and fall with dizzying speed. Staying ahead, or even just afloat, might seem like an uphill battle. But here’s a secret weapon you can use, and it fits right in your pocket: UX podcasts. They offer a wealth of insights, tips, and inspiration, from the mouths of seasoned professionals and innovative disruptors alike.

But, let’s face it, in our bustling digital world, it can feel as though there are just as many podcasts as there are design ideas. Where to start? What’s worth your time? It’s easy to get lost in this sea of options. So, the Userbrain team have done the heavy lifting for you. We’ve curated a list of the 10 best UX podcasts that stood out amidst the noise, handpicked for their deep focus on user experience. So, grab your headphones, and let’s dive into this auditory feast of UX design enlightenment!

Top 10 Best UX Podcasts of 2024

In our exploration of the podcast world, we’ve taken into account quality of content, relevance to UX design, creativity, and listener reviews. These aren’t merely the best UX podcasts according to us, but also according to the global design community. Each of these podcasts brings something unique to the table – be it a different perspective, design approach, or mode of storytelling. So, whether you’re looking for industry insights, need to scratch your creative itch, or just want to hear fascinating discussions from leading UX professionals, our curated list has something for you. Without further ado, here are the top 10 UX podcasts that have made the biggest waves in 2024:

1. Ladies that UX in English

A screenshot of the Ladies that UX in English Spotify Page. Number 1 best UX Podcasts.

A vibrant community of women in UX, Ladies that UX is all about supporting each other, pushing the UX boundaries, and promoting skill and talent. This podcast is a goldmine for anyone keen on diverse perspectives, especially women navigating the tech industry. The discussions range from the challenges and triumphs of their careers to inspiring stories and knowledge sharing that serve as a reference for the entire community. Ladies that UX encourages listeners to believe in themselves, expand their horizons, and connect with amazing people leading innovative initiatives in the UX field.

Listen to Ladies that UX in English on Spotify

2. UX Heroes (German)

A screenshot of the UX Heroes Apple Podcasts page. One of the best UX podcasts in German language.

For those who lean bilingual and have a penchant for all things UX, this German podcast is a treat. Delving deep into interviews with UX professionals from stalwarts like Porsche, Mozilla, and Adobe, UX Heroes offers a European touch to the world of UX design podcasting. Oh, we almost forgot… UX Heroes is brought to you by the founders of Userbrain, your go-to tool for easy, fast, and affordable user testing.

Listen to UX Heroes on Spotify

3. 99% Invisible

A screenshot of the 99% Invisible Apple Podcasts page. 99% Invisible takes 3rd place in our list of the best UX podcasts.

The beauty of this award-winning podcast lies in its expansive coverage of design, architecture, and urban planning. A must-listen for those yearning to understand the intricacies of the world’s design philosophy. If the best UX podcasts offer fresh perspectives, 99% Invisible is the gourmet dish you didn’t know you were craving.

Listen to 99% Invisible on Spotify

4. NN/g UX Podcast

A screenshot of the NN/g UX Podcast Apple Podcasts page.

Everyone in the UX space has, most likely, learned something from the amazing content published by Nielsen Norman Group. Brought to you by bonafide UX royalty in Don Norman and Jakob Nielsen, the NN/g UX Podcast is no exception.

Listen to the NN/g UX Podcast on Spotify

5. Design Matters with Debbie Millman

A screenshot of the Design Matters by Debbie Millman Apple Podcasts page.

With over 552 episodes (and counting!) available, Design Matters by Debbie Millman is one of the longest-running podcasts. Since 2009, Debbie has discussed almost every UX topic under the sun, interviewing a broad range of guests, including James Clear, Alan Dye, Rick Rubin, and many more.

Listen to Design Matters with Debbie Millman on Spotify


6. User Defenders

A screenshot of the User Defenders Spotify page.

This podcast for designers breathes life into the experiences of the world’s leading UX designers. The interviews over at User Defenders shed light on their design processes, motivations, and challenges, making it a treasure trove of real-world insights.

Listen to User Defenders on Spotify

7. Design Life

A screenshot of the Design Life Spotify page.

A relatable dive into the lives of two designers, this design podcast addresses everything from tools of the trade to the delicate balance of work and life. For those on the lookout for an authentic, peer-to-peer conversation, Design Life is a hit.

Listen to Design Life on Spotify

8. Futility Closet

A screenshot of the Futility Closet Spotify page.

Futility Closet isn’t your conventional UX podcast. It meanders through history, literature, science, and philosophy, offering rich, thought-provoking content that challenges and broadens your perspective. If you’re a designer with a love for intellectual stimuli, this is your playground. Despite not currently being active, we still think it’s worth a listen.

Listen to Futility Closet on Spotify

9. Rule Breaker Investing

A screenshot of the Rule Breaker Investing Spotify page.

Now, you might wonder what investing has to do with UX. But understanding the contrarian approach to market trends and listening to case studies can be a goldmine for UX strategists aiming to stay ahead of the curve. So that’s why we recommend the Rule Breaker Investing podcast as a must-listen for every designer.

Listen to Rule Breaker Investing on Spotify

10. The TED Radio Hour

A screenshot of the TED Radio Hour Spotify page.

TED has always been synonymous with inspiration and education, and TED Radio Hour is no exception. This iteration of the iconic platform dives deep, offering stimulating conversations with intriguing personalities. It’s not just a podcast for designers; it’s a podcast for thinkers, brought to you by the folks at NPR.

Listen to TED Radio Hour on Spotify

Immerse yourself in design with the best UX podcasts

The world of UX is vast, and while the waves of information might seem overwhelming, podcasts serve as that trusted surfboard, ensuring you ride the wave with grace. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned professional, there’s a UX podcast out there that’s just right for you. So, plug in those earphones and let the voices of the industry guide, inspire, and challenge you.

Why listen to UX podcasts?

UX design is more than a discipline—it’s a vibrant, ever-changing conversation. There’s no better way to dive into this dialogue than through the immersive experience of listening to UX podcasts. But why, you might ask? Here are five compelling reasons to plug into these informative audio channels, backed by science and research.

1. Fostering imagination & visual thinking

With the absence of visuals in podcasts, your mind gets a creative workout. A captivating narrative about design practices or a problem-solving episode fires up your imagination, allowing you to paint your own mental images. This exercise significantly enhances your brain’s visual processes, a critical asset for any UX designer.

2. Understanding diverse perspectives

Listening to podcasts provides an opportunity to understand other people’s perspectives and grow your mind. In the field of UX, hearing from different designers worldwide exposes you to a variety of design philosophies, methodologies, and user considerations that can enhance your design thinking and problem-solving abilities.

3. Nurturing creativity

UX podcasts can provoke new thoughts, inspire unique design ideas, and stimulate innovative problem-solving approaches to UX design challenges. They foster the creative side of your brain, similar to how indoor plants can enhance creativity in your workspace.

4. Improving listening skills

Podcasts can inadvertently train you to be a better listener, an essential skill in the UX field. By focusing on a podcast, you’re practicing attentive listening, which can translate into better understanding of user needs during user research or client discussions.

5. Free, on-the-go learning

UX podcasts are an excellent learning resource that you can take with you wherever you go. The accessibility and convenience of podcasts make them a valuable tool for continuous learning and self-improvement.

Conclusion: less reading, more listening.

And there you have it – the best UX podcasts of 2024 that offer a wealth of insights, inspiration, and conversations to enrich your UX design journey. As you tune into these podcasts, remember that every episode presents an opportunity to enhance your perspective, bolster your creativity, and deepen your understanding of UX design’s dynamic world. So, grab your headphones, let curiosity lead the way, and immerse yourself in the exciting narrative of user experience. Happy listening!

Further reading

If you’re not ready to start listening just yet, here are some interesting reads from across the Userbrain blog:

  • The 6 Best Alternatives to UserTesting ? Read more.
  • Hooked: how to improve mobile app engagement (+ examples) ? Read more.
  • Miller’s Law: the most important rule in UX design that everyone breaks ? Read more.
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