Mobile App Testing with Userbrain: user testing for Android and iOS apps

Published June 14, 2023 by Andrea in Product Updates
⚡ Updated on March 5, 2024
Mobile app testing at Userbrain: user testing for Android apps

Userbrain was founded upon the belief that digital products should improve the quality of our lives. This belief has driven us to provide tools that help creators build products with the user in mind. Today, we take another step in achieving our mission to help the creators who have put so much faith in us succeed. We’re proud to introduce mobile app testing for Android and iOS, a new feature directly encouraged by our users.

Mobile app testing: listening to user feedback

The needs and wishes of our users direct our journey. You asked for a robust, easy-to-use mobile app testing tool, and we listened! We’ve poured over your feedback, dissected your requests, and used them to shape the very core of our mobile app testing feature. After all, it would be a bit hypocritical for us to ignore user feedback, wouldn’t it?

How mobile app user testing works

Mobile app testing is about more than finding bugs. It’s about understanding your users – how they interact with your app, what challenges they face, what they enjoy, and where they wish for more.

With Userbrain’s mobile app testing tool for Android and iOS, you can unravel these insights in 3 easy steps:

Step 1: Click ‘Create New Test’ and select ‘Mobile App’ from the list of options.

Choose from mobile app, website, or prototype user test options in your dashboard

Step 2: Set up a user test as usual, and provide a link to your app in the Google Play store.

Enter the Google Play Store link for your mobile app and name your test

Step 3: Watch the completed user test videos in your Userbrain dashboard – complete with a full transcript, automated insights, and presentation-ready report!

Completed app test videos, notes, and reports are available in the dashboard

With just three simple steps, you open a window into your users’ world, granting you the power to craft an exceptional user experience on your Android or iOS app.

User testing for mobile apps – easy, fast, and affordable!

Userbrain is built on three foundational pillars – simplicity, efficiency, and affordability. We stand by these values as we roll out our Android and iOS mobile app testing feature. User testing should not be a complex or expensive endeavor. Our aim with this tool is to offer you an easy, fast, and affordable method to gain valuable insights into your users’ experience with your mobile app.

Helping users build user-centric apps: Userbrain’s mission

As creators who care about the people you’re building for, we know you’re dedicated to improving their lives through your digital products. Our Android and iOS mobile app testing tool is designed to empower you in fulfilling this commitment. Harness the power of real user insights to improve user engagement, increase conversions, and deliver an app that resonates with your users. Because at Userbrain, we’re all about helping you build user-centric digital products, whether they be apps, websites, or prototypes.

Wrapping up: embracing mobile app testing

We are beyond thrilled to launch mobile app testing, taking us one step closer to our vision of a world where every product is created with the user in mind. This is our users’ accomplishment as much as ours, and we cannot wait to see the remarkable Android and iOS apps our users will refine and create with Userbrain.

For us, mobile app testing for Android and iOS is just another step forward in our mission – another piece of the puzzle to help Userbrain become the go-to testing tool for every UX Designer and Product Manager. We’re committed to constantly improving and expanding our tools to better serve you. Stay tuned as we continue to listen, learn, and innovate based on your invaluable feedback.

Remember, with Userbrain’s mobile app testing software, you are not just testing; you are learning, improving, and growing. Let’s continue to make digital products that improve lives together.

Get started with mobile app testing

Why are you still here? It’s time to elevate the user experience of your Android or iOS app with Userbrain’s user testing tool. Chop chop!

Whether you’re new to Userbrain or have been with us on this journey, we invite you to begin your first mobile app test.

Start your free trial today and discover hidden user insights in your mobile app with two free user tests. ?

Schedule a call – we’d love to hear from you! ?

Should you have any questions or need help getting started with mobile app user testing, we’re here for you. Don’t hesitate to schedule a call with us. We value your feedback and are always ready to support your user testing journey.

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