5 Simple Steps to Take your UX Design from Good to Great

Published June 6, 2018 by Neil Helson in User Experience
⚡ Updated on October 2, 2023

Your website’s UX design can never be perfect or completely done. But no matter what stage you are at, there are always some simple ways to tweak and improve.

You’re wondering why your UX will never be on fleek? Well, people’s needs and expectations change, now more rapidly than ever, and you are going to have to spruce up your UX design to ensure they’re satisfied.

That’s why we have put together some actionable simple steps so you can take your UX from good to great:

1.Design a top-notch homepage

It might sound like a given, but it’s surprising how people can get caught up in the details and forget to create a top-notch homepage. It’s like your company’s face. It’s the first thing people see and the first impression you’ll give them so make sure it counts.

Keep things simple by ensuring to not jam-pack everything onto your homepage. Visitors will feel overwhelmed plus they won’t feel like they are discovering more information as they move on to the next pages.

Here are some great stats from KoMarketing and sagipl.com that indicate what you should put on your homepage:

  • 64% want to see the contact information
  • 52% like to see the ‘about us’ section.
  • 86% prefer to check out company’s products or services.

2.Reduce the number of clicks to conversion

When it comes to great UX, a key indicator is the number of clicks to conversion. Your goal will be to reduce the number of clicks within your pages until the visitor purchases or follows through.

The less they need to click, the less likely they are to drop out and the website tends to be more convenient and easy to use for them.

3.Have a sharp and coherent design

A great design will:

  • Enhance the visitor’s expectation of how easy your products will be to use
  • Boost up the brand recognition of the products to be sold
  • Reflect professionalism and high quality through consistent design

With some amazing imagery, colour, shapes, and typography, you can improve the visual design in a great way. In fact, using symmetry can enhance usability in web designs.

4.Make actions reversible

If you want to give your visitors a convenient site, you shouldn’t restrict them. While clicking through your website and adding products to their bag, they might slip up. Be sure to give them sufficient possibilities to check what they have added and edit if needed.

An effective way of doing this would be to provide a preview mode. It will show users the results of the actions before they finally opt-in.

5.Keep things clean and avoid clutter

The information that you want to offer to your users should be clearly represented on your website. There shouldn’t be such a little display that it doesn’t end up giving any context to the design elements. On the other hand, a maximum show-off will rather be incomprehensible and overwhelming to the users.

So, make sure that your website does not have any of the major loopholes such as wordiness, a large number of elements, unnecessary videos, shortage of white space and so on.


If you’re looking to improve your website’s UX today, be sure to implement these simple actionable steps. By taking them and web design trends into account you will be sure to take your user experience from good to great. 

About the Author:

Neil Helson is the marketing manager at Blurbpoint Media, SEO and digital marketing company. Neil is passionate about helping small businesses and startups grow online.


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